Why Are You Angry

I am having a lot of computer problems thus I have been unable to share my devotions and blogs.  Hope to find a few dollars and a new computer.  Thanks for understanding.

Why are you angry?

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  Romans 12:21

I was listing the other day to a group taking about current events and they were loudly letting their feelings be known.  The amazing part was that I could not tell the difference between the Christians and those I knew professed no faith.  Maybe we need to think about that?

It has greatly concerned me that this past year so many people have been so very angry. It is as if we are all mad at everything and never aware of any blessing any good. We speak with such anger. I have received many half truths and even some untruths that people were using as proof of the issues. That is not like Christ.  Maybe it would be good if we would ask God to allow us to step back, see the real issues, take a stand based on His Word on those issues, but do it with His love and His respect. It just hurts to see so many people so mad. We cannot allow evil to overcome His good.

Published in: on January 15, 2017 at 10:52 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. So glad to have you back on here. Sure have missed your emails and stories this past week. Prayed for you today!

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