I Can’t Believe

I never dreamed that I would live in a world like this – so many wonderful things to enjoy, to make life easier, to fill our minds, challenge our growth in knowledge, and yet in spite of all that we have and all that is available to us – we live in a world of unrest, sadness, and fear.
So many things are considered ‘rights’ by so many people, things which we grew up knowing were wrong, against the will of God and in fact destructive to us and our way of life, but to express such an opinion today is considered disrespectful of others and we are accused of being narrow minded and Prejudice. How did we go wrong, when, where, what choice was it that we made, what corner did we turn and discover ourselves with so very much, but little if any of the peace, the joy, and the happiness it should bring?
Could it have been when God blessed us so much that we didn’t need to pray about anything, we didn’t need to ask for anything because we already had it, and God forbid that we would take the time to stop and thank Him for all of our blessings?
Do we need another war, another plague, another disaster to make us come to God? I just remembered: God said we could not serve two masters; maybe our problem is that we are serving the wrong master. Ivan

Published in: on October 23, 2014 at 11:52 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Agreed 😦

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